Closing Statement at October 7th Debate

Thanks to all the organizations who sponsored this forum today.  And – a big Thank You to everyone here for attending this forum.

What makes me uniquely qualified for the Mayor’s position is my 20 years of private business experience, my service as a Navy veteran and I previously served on the Board of Supervisor. As a former supervisor, I am familiar with operations of city government and staff.

I am the best candidate for Mayor of Carson City. For many reasons the top one is – to ensure that your voice will be heard. City government should reflect community values, not those of special interests.

Some of today’s top issues are our local roads and maintenance, promoting a business-friendly environment, and we need to become money-wise with the city’s budget.

As your Mayor we will reassess our priorities, we can no longer defer making decisions. No more kicking the can down the road.

Budgeting is the single most important thing local government does. As it reflects the vision, strategies and priorities for the future of our community.

To achieve the kind of future we all want for our community, then action must be taken and your vote for Jim Shirk is the start.

I ensure citizens that I will pursue all possible options as Mayor to find needed savings in our budget, however small, so we can start reserves to help fund the deficits within our community budget.  

My campaign was totally funded by citizens and I am not beholden to any group, organization or local companies as is my opponent  

As your Mayor I will lead our wonderful community with a clear vision, open communication, honesty, and actions that reflect the wishes of the people.

Carson City needs a Jim Shirk as Mayor because I will represent YOU, the citizens. You can help your community by letting family, friends, and neighbors know they need to VOTE for Jim Shirk on or before November 5th.